A Message from the Chairman
More than 120,000 Canadian men and women serving in the Canadian and Allied armed forces have made the ultimate sacrifice to ensure that future generations of Canadians live in a free and democratic country. These courageous individuals are buried in cemeteries in Canada, Europe, Russia, South Africa, North Africa, India, Burma, Japan, South Korea and Hong Kong. Many have no marked grave, and many were lost at sea.
Our mission is to provide one place of Remembrance, both physical and virtual, as an enduring tribute to these brave souls.
Together, with your support, we will erect a permanent monument to the Fallen in the city of Kingston, Ontario, birthplace of much of Canada’s military history. The virtual component is already alive at www.canadianfallen.ca. We encourage you to visit the site and search for relatives, submit photos and documents relevant to a profile or read in Remembrance Magazine about major conflicts in which Canadians have been engaged.
After the memorial is erected, we will need to continue to solicit funds to ensure the long-term sustainability of both the memorial and the virtual spaces, as well as our secondary objectives. These secondary objectives include assisting communities across Canada through our Community Memorials Programme and helping to educate Canadian Youth through our Education Outreach Programme. Details of both programmes are available through the drop down tabs at the top of this website.
Together we can make this happen.
Gary Coulter, RCMP/CSIS Inspector (ret’d)
Executive Board
Executive Board / Conseil exécutif
Chairman: RCMP Inspector (ret’d) Gary Coulter
Vice-Chairman: Colonel (ret’d) Bruce Ewing – OMM, MA
Secretary/Treasurer: Lieutenant-Colonel (ret’d) Louis Cyr – CID, CD
Board of Directors / Conseil d’administration
CSIS Director General (ret’d) Larry Brooks
Lieutenant-Colonel (ret’d) William Cummings – MDS, MA
Cassandra de Bartok – BA, MA
Bart Loria – BA, OCT
Captain (ret’d) Debra St-Gelais – CD
Joel Watson – HBA, LLB
Patrons / Mécènes
The Honourable Peter Milliken, Speaker of the House of Commons (ret’d) – O.C., P.C.
Honorary Colonel (ret’d) A Britton Smith, Chairman, Homestead Land Holdings ̶ M.C. Q.C.

Friends of NWORA / Amis de l’AMCN
Colonel (ret’d) Michael Barr ̶ OMM, CD
Lieutenant-Colonel (ret’d) Robert Chamberlain ̶ CD
Major (ret’d) Bernard Dionne – MA Comms, CD
Major (ret’d) William Graydon – MA, CD
Major-General (ret’d) Walter Holmes ̶ MSM, MBE
Allan Jones, Founding Chairman NWORA 2010-2018
Colonel (ret’d) George Oehring ̶ CD
Lieutenant (ret’d) Philip Osanic ̶ JD, LLM
Brigadier-General (ret’d) William J. Patterson – OMM, CD
Colonel (ret’d) John Roderick ̶ CD
Cathy Sharpe, Vice president/Operations, iMedia Northside