The Memorial – Construction
The National Wall of Remembrance Association, along with the City of Kingston has now completed the approval stages, and are working toward a final design that will nest itself right in the waterfront area of Kingston, near the Murney Martello Tower at the Sir John A. Macdonald Park. Preliminary work began in Spring 2023.
It is our intent to capture the entire construction phase and showcase it here on a regular basis as it progresses, starting with an archaeological verification process and then an initial sod turning ceremony with City of Kingston officials, Indigenous Community and VIPs, we will go through various construction phases and end with the final unveiling ceremony which will take place in Spring 2025.

Column Mockup Examination and Site Discussion – September 2023
Prior to excavation commencing for the memorial base, a coord with city representative took place on 7 September 2023 to confirm exact site location and to discuss a few final construction details including tree removal. For this discussion, the NWORA team erected a rough mockup of one of the four columns for the memorial in order to confirm column size and exact location.
SOD Turning Ceremony – Completed August 2023
- 14 August 2023 – NWORA Memorial Sod-Turning Ceremony – Before the Dig! From left to right: Conny Glenn (District Councillor – Sydenham, City of Kingston); Bryan Paterson (Mayor, City of Kingston); Gary Coulter (Chair, National Wall of Remembrance Association); Mark Gerretsen (Member of Parliament, Kingston and the Islands); and Ted Hsu (Member of Provincial Parliament, Kingston and the Islands).
- After the event – dignitaries, some NWORA Board members and other project affiliated personnel. From left to right: Jenna Neilson (Student Architect); Jennifer Demitor (Project Architect); Cathy Sharpe (VP Operations, iMedia Northside Inc); Jonathan Clarke (Shareholder, iMedia Northside Inc); Conny Glenn (District Councillor – Sydenham, City of Kingston); Bryan Paterson (Mayor, City of Kingston); Gary Coulter (Chair, National Wall of Remembrance Association); Mark Gerretsen (Member of Parliament, Kingston and the Islands); Ted Hsu (Member of Provincial Parliament, Kingston and the Islands); Louis Cyr (NWORA Secretary/Treasurer); Bruce Ewing (NWORA Vice Chair); Debra St-Gelais (a NWORA Director); Don Kerstens (General Contractor for the Project build).
- The NWORA Executive prepare the Site board just prior to the Sod-Turning Ceremony. The board states: “Future site of the National Wall of Remembrance Association’s NATIONAL MEMORIAL TO CANADA’S FALLEN. Donations are welcome, please go to for more details.” From Left to Right: Louis Cyr (NWORA Secretary/Treasurer); Bruce Ewing (NWORA Vice Chair); and Gary Coulter (NWORA Chair)
Archaeological Verification Process – Completed May 2023
- Future site of the National Wall of Remembrance Association national memorial to the Fallen in Kingston, Ontario. It will be located on the Kingston waterfront, to the right of the Murney Martello Tower at Sir John A. Mcdonald Park, on the small patch of land between King Street and the parking lot.
- Due the historical background of this site, an archaeological assessment was required. It took 4 days to complete this assessment, which ended on Wednesday 10 May 2023. This work was conducted by Past Recovery Archaeology Services Inc., located in Perth, Ontario. Jeff Earl was the coordinator for this project. Andy Snetsinger was the site supervisor; 8 other Past Recovery employees also worked on this assessment.
- Although we’re now in the 21st century, the methodology has not changed for the past one hundred years. It’s all manual labour using screens and going through the dirt by hand. In this case, as it was a Stage 3 requirement because of the significant history of this site, they went down about 40 cm, reaching the non-sedimentary soil. A few artifacts were found, such as small broken ceramics estimated around early to mid-19thcentury, but no structural foundations were found. The Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism is the final authority for approval of the report from Past Recovery.