After the event – dignitaries, some NWORA Board members and other project affiliated personnel. From left to right: Jenna Neilson (Student Architect); Jennifer Demitor (Project Architect); Cathy Sharpe (VP Operations, iMedia Northside Inc); Jonathan Clarke (Shareholder, iMedia Northside Inc); Conny Glenn (District Councillor – Sydenham, City of Kingston); Bryan Paterson (Mayor, City of Kingston); Gary Coulter (Chair, National Wall of Remembrance Association); Mark Gerretsen (Member of Parliament, Kingston and the Islands); Ted Hsu (Member of Provincial Parliament, Kingston and the Islands); Louis Cyr (NWORA Secretary/Treasurer); Bruce Ewing (NWORA Vice Chair); Debra St-Gelais (a NWORA Director); Don Kerstens (General Contractor for the Project build).